English, asked by dsdpcreator, 1 month ago

The body includes a series of events in time _______.


Answered by aaryajaybhaye


cause immunodeficiency when HIV gains entry into the body are following : (i) The virus after getting into the body of a Person enters the macrophages. (ii) The RNA replicates, and DNA is formed by reverse transcription. The viral DNA gets incorporated into the host cells DNA and directs the infected to produce virus particles. (iii) The macrophages continue to produce virus particles. (iv) The virus then enters the helper T-lymphocytes (TH), replicates and forms progeny viruses. which are released in the blood and attack other helper T-cells? This results in the progressive decline in the number of T-lymphocytes. (v) This falling number of T-cell causes immunodeficiency in the body of the person infected with HIV. The person becomes easily infected by bacteria like Mycobacterium, viruses and even parasites like Toxoplnsntn. (vi) The person is unable to protect himself Aerseif against any infection.Read more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/184036/trace-the-events-that-occur-human-body-cause-immunodeficiency-when-gains-entry-into-body

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