The boiling point of water at 735 torr is 99.07°C.
The mass of NaCl added in 100 g water to make
its boiling point 100°C is (k = 0.51 K kg mot)
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The difference of the new and the present boiling points is 100 – 99.07 = 0.93 degree Celsius.
The molality of NACL in the water can be calculated by the formula ½ (0.93 / 0.51) mol kg -1.
From it, the mass of the added NACL is calculated by applying a specific formula that says – ½ x 1/10 x (0.93/0.51) x 58.5 = 5.33 gm. Thus, the total amount of NACL to be added is calculated as 5.33 gm
how did u find molality?
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