English, asked by milindraoskulkarni, 10 months ago

The British education system created a new generation of Indians with progressive attitudes. Justify.


Answered by sbcreation123


Once upon a time ryabhmi Bhratavara was so prominent in her position

where she was preaching the knowledge of Dharma and Spirituality to the whole

Universe. Because of this, India was considered as Vivaguru. Due to the

significance of the culture and noble thoughts of Indian, the fame and name of

India widen over the entire Mid-Asia and also to the Western countries, in

modern time. Critics used to give opinion it was only possible because of her

traditional education system. It is remembered that in Ancient India each and

every activities of Individual being i.e. attitude , Behaviour, thoughts were all

included within the limitation of Dharma. No such activities were made, where

Dharma was not included in. Therefore it is clear that traditional education system

and the religion (Dharma) were grown up in the soil of India simultaneously.

Traditional education system made the soul, body and mind of the Indians, pure,

healthy and fertile respectively. Scholar like Thomas F.W.1

says - ªThere has been

no country . Where the love of learning had so early an origin or has

exercised so lasting and powerful an influence. From the simple poets of

Vedic age to Bengali Philosopher of the present day. There have been

uninterrupted successions of teachers and scholars.º From the ancient Vedic

period, till today the role and efforts of the philosophers, teachers and the wise

men have been continuously continuing for the propagation and the

establishment of education system in a better way. Even though time and

again, the invaders attacked to ruin the rich culture and education system of

India, but they failed. The strong bond between the Indian culture and

education system made India stronger time to time. A continuation flow of both

of them till today, we Indians are enjoying the best result of it.

Scholars opined that from the beginning of the Indus-civilization up to

the birth of Budha is named as Vedic age 2

. In Vedic age education was an

eternal tradition, which existed in India. Such education was having a practical

link with the scientific approach. The creator Brahma classified four different


and four different rama-s 4 to maintain the Universe stable. Each and


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