the British introduced the number of Administrative Reform were these policies meant for the Welfare of the common people why do you think so
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Original Article
Published: 09 February 2017
Assessing Administrative Reform in India
Kuldeep Mathur & Navdeep Mathur
Chinese Political Science Review volume 2, pages40–55(2017)Cite this article
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This paper outlines trends in efforts at administrative reform in India. It spans the shift of ideological paradigm of the Indian political economy. While the pre-1991 period was marked by a waning Statism, structural economic reforms marked a shift towards neo-liberal public management in the post 1991 period. This shift made the role of markets more salient as a framework for public services, in contrast to traditional perspectives of public administration. In the last two decades, even though some concern regarding administrative reform was expressed, substantive change took place outside the realm of the state machinery while blurring the borders between private and public institutions in delivering public services. The current political regime has added emphasis in the direction of using the bureaucracy to promote marketization and privatization in the allocation of public resources.
Concern about reforming public administration in India is not something new. What is new is the context in which it is being talked about today. The period beginning from 1991 is marked by the emergence of a liberal economic regime that is attempting to dismantle the centrally
they did not introduced not for the people for British for there country