English, asked by prince2661, 1 year ago

the Brook poem explanation also all stanza​


Answered by sssrohit005p4c0ey

I come from haunts of coot and hern.- The brook starts from a place the coots (a kind of duck) herns (commonly known as herons) spend most of their times. I make a sudden sally,-The brook suddenly rushes down.And sparkle out among the fern,-As the brook flows it sparkles because of sun rays, and it flows through a ground which mostly have grasses and flowerless plants (ferns).To bicker down a valley.-The brook flows down a valley making noisy sounds.By thirty hills I hurry down,-Here the brook swiftly flows down many hills. There are not literally 'Thirty hills' but the poet make's the line creative by using 'Thirty' and not 'many'.Or slip between the ridges,-The brook 'slips'(quickly moves) between long narrow hilltops.By twenty thorps, a little town,-The brook flows down past many villages (Thorp-Old word for village) - again the poet tries to make the line creative by using 'Twenty' - 'Twenty villages' and a little town as well.And half a hundred bridges.-The brook flows and passes by/through many bridges-not literally 'Half a hundred' bridges.Till last by Philip's farm I flow-The brook flows by a farm probably owned by a man named Philip.To join the brimming river,-After the farm the brook flows to join a overflowing river.For men may come and men may go, But I go on forever. Men/people have a short life spam but the brook is immortal so it has a longer life spam and hence goes on 'forever'.I chatter over stony ways, In little sharps and trebles, -As the brook flows it chatters (makes an interesting and musical sound) over a stony creek bed.I bubble into eddying bays, -When the brook flows backward it 'pushes' the air and makes bubbles.I babble on the pebbles, -As the brook moves it makes sound because of the pebbles.With many a curve my banks I fret-The brook flows curvily because at one point the path curves and it wears away.By many a field and fallow,-The brook flows by many fields and bare places (fallows), probably the soil is infertile which is why the land is bare and no plants grow.And many a fairy foreland set, With willow-weed mallow. -There are many pieces of land sticking out in the brook (called foreland) which have some plants such as 'Willow-weed mallow'. Where colorful bright birds, insects butterflies come which look like fairies from far away.I chatter, chatter as I flow-The brook makes sound as it flows.To join the brimming river, The brook joins the river which is full to the brim.For men may come and men may go, The brook is saying that while humans are mortal and do not last a long time,.But I go on forever. the brook is perennial I wind about, and in and out, The brook meanders in and out With here a blossom sailing, and there are flowers (blossoms) floating on top of the brook. And here and there a lusty trout, There are also trout (fish) found within the brook... And here and there a grayling, as well as graylings (European fish) And here and there a foamy flake There are also lakes found in the course of the brooks journey which are filled with foam Upon me, as I travel which occur along as the brook travels. With many a silver water-break-with many breaks in the water which are silvery in colour Above the golden gravel, there are also pebbles found on the bed of the brook which are golden because they reflect the sun And draw them all along, and flow the brook takes them all along with it and flowsTo join the brimming river - to join the overflowing riverFor men may come and men may go, It states that while men are immortal and hence keep coming and going, But I go on forever.

hope it helps.

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