English, asked by dakshrewri02, 10 months ago

The building a)………………. (burn) down when the fire brigade b)…………….(reach) there. In fact nobody c)………….. (notice) the smoke coming out of the building. The inmates d)…………….. (already/go) out to attend some function. The neighbors e)……………. (inform) the police about this. The neighbors say that they f)……… (already/request) the owners to switch off the main switch but the owners g )…………….(forget). They were punished for their negligence. Before the fire brigade h)…………….. (control) fire much damage i) ………………(do) to the building. A burglary a)…………… (take) place in our neighbourhood last night. The inmates of the house b)…………. (go) to attend a marriage party. They c)…………….. (come) quite late. When they d)…………. (see) that the locks of their house e)……….. (break), they were shocked. They f)…………. (call) in the police. The police thoroughly g)…………… (search) the house but they could not h)………….. (find) any clue to begin their investigation. The burglars i)……………. (not leave) any clue. Rohit a)………….. (join) a private company as a manager recently. They b)…………… (give) him a pay package of rupees 8 lakh. Before joining the present company he c)……………. (tell) the management that he should be given regular promotion. But now the company d)……………. (refuse) to do so. Rohit e)…………. (make) up his mind to do something in this context. Soon after his father’s death Deepak a)………………. (find) himself in a great crisis. His father b)………………. (be) a source of strength for Deepak. His father c)…………….. (guide) him at every step. Now Deepak d)…………….. (realise) how much he has e)…………….. (lose) in his father’s death. His mother, one day, f)…………… (advise) him to enshoulder all the responsibilities of the family. My grandmother always a)…………………… (go) to school with me because the school b)………….. (attach) to the temple. The priest c)……………. (teach) us the alphabet and the morning prayer. While the children d)………….. (sit) in rows on either side of the verenda singing the alphabet or the prayer in a chorus, my grandmother e)…………….. (sit) inside reading the pictures. When we f)……………. (finish), we would walk back together. This time the village dogs g)…………. (meet) us at the temple door. They g)…………….. (meet) us at the temple door. They h)………….. (follow) us to our home growling and fighting with each other for chapattis we i)…………… (throw) to them. When I a)……………… (reach) home, my mother was b)………….. (work) in the kitchen. I c)………….. (ask) for a cup of tea. Immediately she d)……….. (leave) what she e)………… (do) and f)………….. (prepare) the cup of tea for me. As soon as I g)………….. (take) a sip I h)…………(come) to know that mother i)……………..(forget) to put sugar in it. When I a)…………… (be) in the street, I b)……………(begin) to run. I c)………………. (run) down the bazaar across the road to the station. The shops d)…………… (close), but a few lights e)………….. (come) from upper windows. I had the notes at my waist, held there by the string of my pyjamas. I f)………….. (feel) I had to stop and g)………….. (count) the notes, though I h)…………… (know) it might make me late for the train. It i)…………….. (be) already 10:20 by the clock tower. I j)……….. (slow) down to a walk, and arid fingers flicked through the notes. Once upon a time, there a)…………… (be) two students who b)……………. (complete) their education in an educational institution. They c)…………. (be) about to leave it. The teacher d)……………. (want) to give them a final teaching by e)…………… (put) them to a final test. He f)……………. (give) them a copper vessel each and g)…………… (tell) them to go to the river and h)…………… (scrub) the vessel till it i)…………………. (shine). After sometime both the boys j)…………….. (return) with their vessels. The teacher k)…………….. (be) happy to l)………………. (find) the vessels shining both from inside and outside. He told them that education also m)…………. (shine) them like that. Last week I a)………………(visit) the trade fair. It b)…………………(inaugurate) by the President of India. I c)…………………………. (accompany) by my friend who d)…………….. (come) from the USA last week. He e)………………(live) in the USA for the last five years. He f)……………………..(do) his MBA from the New York University. Honey, amla, gums, resins, tubers and tamarind; all these and more a)…………………………(come) from forests and b)………………….(find) their way into our lives. But the tribals who c)…………………..(pluck), dig and extract them get a pittance. Now, the government d)………………….(decide) to provide a minimum support price(MSP) for some select forest produce on the lines of wheat and paddy. The step could e)……………(help) around 40 million tribal families which still f)………………….(depend) part or whole year on income from


Answered by jassi194


use ur own mind...... ....... ..... .... ...


ok okay.....................

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