The challenge of sustainable development requires integration of economic development with environmental concerns . Justify by givi g 5 points.
Presently, sustainable development is the buzzword which aims at integrating economic development with environmental protection and implies the following:
a. Even though Industries lead to massive economic growth and development they are also the cause of environmental degradation leading to pollution. ( Air, water, thermal etc.)
b. Thus, their is a growing necessity to use more sustainable form of development which involves conserving resources and using renewable form of energy. eg Solar Energy.
c. We must judiciously use our non conventional sources of energy .
d. Industries can make use of rain water harvesting.
e. Certain steps can be taken for example, redesign machinery to prevent noise pollution, use gas or oil to prevent smoke, use smoke stacks etc. One can take example of NTPC which has introduced various measures to prevent environmental degradation.