the chemical symbol of the following elements-iron, copper, aluminum, zinc, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and gold
Answer: Many of these names are already familiar to you - gold, silver, copper, chlorine, platinum, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Symbol Element
B boron
C carbon
F fluorine
H hydrogen
I iodine
N nitrogen
O oxygen
P phosphorus
K potassium
S sulfur
W tungsten
U uranium
V vanadium
Y yttrium
Cd cadmium
Ca calcium
Cf californium
C carbon
Ce cerium
Cs cesium
Hope this will help you friend!!!
All of these are periodic elements.
- Classified as metal, Iron is a shiny, greyish metal that rusts in damp air.
- It belongs to group 8 of the periodic table.
- It is found in solid state and is an essential element for all forms of life and is non-toxic.
- Iron has atomic number of 26 and its symbolic representation is Fe.
- Copper is a reddish-gold metal that is easily worked and drawn into wires.
- It belongs to group 11 of the periodic table.
- It is found in solid state and is obtained from these ores and minerals by smelting, leaching and electrolysis.
- It has atomic number of 29 and its symbolic representation is Cu.
- Aluminium is a silvery-white, lightweight metal.
- It is soft and malleable.
- It belongs to group 13 of the periodic table.
- Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust but it is rarely found in uncombined form.
- It has atomic number of 13 and its symbolic representation is Al.
- Zinc is a silvery-white metal with a blue tinge.
- It tarnishes in air.
- It belongs to group 12 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 30 and its symbolic representation is Zn.
- There are a number of pure forms of Carbon element including graphite, diamond, fullerenes and graphene.
- It belongs to group 14 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 6 and its symbolic representation is C.
- It is solid at room temperature.
- Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas.
- It has the lowest density of all gases.
- It belongs to group 1 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 1 and its symbolic representation is H.
- It is gaseous at room temperature.
- Phosphorus is amorphous solid at room temperature.
- It belongs to group 15 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 15 and its symbolic representation is P.
- Phosphorus is not found uncombined in nature, but is widely found in compounds in minerals.
- Sodium is a soft metal that tarnishes within seconds of being exposed to the air.
- It also reacts vigorously with water.
- It belongs to group 1 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 11 and its symbolic representation is Na.
- Calcium is a silvery-white, soft metal that tarnishes rapidly in air and reacts with water.
- It belongs to group 2 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 20 and its symbolic representation is Ca.
- A soft metal with a characteristic yellow colour.
- It is chemically unreactive, although it will dissolve in aqua regia.
- It belongs to group 11 of the periodic table.
- It has atomic number of 79 and its symbolic representation is Au.