Math, asked by jasminesharp2006, 3 months ago

The chess club at a school has 15 members. The number of games won in tournament play this season by each member can be seen in the boxplot. What measure of center is most appropriate to use to describe a typical value for the data in the distribution?


Answered by XxcupcakexX22


Vegetables are the new gold. Whoever thought one would dream of roasted potato and carrot raita? These are strange times. After we venture out to buy them, mask and gloves on, we (hopefully) return triumphant, our bags bulging with carrots, beans, and tomatoes. As there is a limit to how much we can stock up on vegetables, it is inevitable that grocery stores have a steady stream of customers every day, as people balance keeping their families fed and following social distancing rules. Fortunately, despite the panic buying, shelves are kept reasonably well-stocked thanks to our farmers, supplying freshly-harvested fruits and vegetables every day. They are among the heroes of this pandemic.

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