English, asked by rashmidevi085, 1 month ago

The children of today are the future of tomorrow. The responsibilities of the nation will lie on their shoulders in future. We should help our children in developing happy, healthy and wholesome personalities. We should give a patient hearing to their small queries and respond calmly and in the best possible way we can think of to whatever they ask. We should not suppress their curiosity, rather we should encourage them to express themselves so that when they grow up, they will become self. confident and self-rellant. If as parents, teachers, guardians and best weilwishers, we channelise their unbridled energies in the right direction and if we can give them right direction and if we can give them right perspective, only then can we be optimistic about their constructive role in national life Q. 1. Who are the future of tomorrow? Q. 2. What will be on the shoulder of children tomorrow? Q. 3. How should we develop our children? Q. 4. How will they develop if we encourage them? Q. 5. Give the meaning of 'optimistic'. can anyone answer all the questions the answer should be ☑️.​


Answered by VasishtaRasmi


Q. 1. The children of today.

Q. 2. The responsibilities of the nation.

Q. 3. We should help our children in developing happy, healthy and wholesome personalities.

Q. 4. They will become self-confident and self-reliant.

Q. 5. Hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future.

Hope it helped.

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