English, asked by wwwwasim55691, 1 year ago

The climate throughout the
would is changing & It has alredy
disturbed weather patterns by
increasing roinfall insome areas
and decreasing it in other. The
temperature is increasing day by day.
It results as frequent hurticane,
tornedes, floods, tsunamis etc.
weite an article in
for our your school magazine on the
topice Global Warming A Thueset to life!
[Hints Global warming ; Rise inaug.
temperature, melting of glaciers, Due
to pollutand human activities​


Answered by jefferson7



Global Warming

During the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in history.Global warming is caused carbon dioxide, air pollutants and greenhouse gases that accumulate  in the atmosphere.They then  absorb solar radiation  and sunlight which have bounced off the surface of the earth.

Global warming has caused: glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, extinction of animals and death of forests and coral reefs.The rising temperatures on earth are fueling  more frequent droughts, heavier rainfall, longer and hotter heat waves,and more powerful hurricanes.

Human activity has been the main cause of global warming. Human activity such logging, mining, farming, burning of fossil fuels and manufacturing have led to the release of green house gases and the destruction of the global Eco-system.

Global warming can be reduced if people plant more trees and reduce carbon emissions. Increasing awareness of the impending threat to human and animal survival can also jolt people into action. People need to recycle and use natural resources sparingly.

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