The constellation Orion is associated with the legend of Osiris, the god of the afterlife. Find out the astronomical descriptions and legends associated with the following.
(i) Ursa Major (saptarishi mandala)
(ii) Polaris (Dhruva tara)
(iii) Pegasus (winged horse)
(iv) Sirius (Dog star)
(v) Gemini (Mithuna
URSA MAJOR (Saptarishi mandala) → one of the most famous qualification is Ursa Major, the Great Bear or Saptarishi. It shows an unusual Bear with a long tail. Its Seven Stars from the plough. Two of the plough stars are called the Pointers as they always point to Polaris the Pole Star. This constellation can be seen in the month of April.
POLARIS (Dhruva Tara) → Another bright object in the sky apart from the sun and the moon is the pole star or Polaris that is in the direction of the north pole. It is only visible from the northern hemisphere. The fixed position of the pole star has helped human since ages. Sailors and travellers used the pole star to find way when they had to travel during night.
PEGASUS (Winged horse) → It is associated with Greek mythology as the mythical winged stallion. It is the child of the Poseidon,the Olympian God. It May be seen when stars are out.
SIRIUS (Dog star) → It is associated with the legend of Orion. It is also called ‘Dog Star’ because it represents Orion’s large hunting dog.
GEMINI (Mithuna) →In Greek mythology it is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux. It can be seen at night during January and February and after sunset during April & May.
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