English, asked by JuvannaIrome, 9 months ago

The danger of fast food (speech for two minutes)​


Answered by abhishekk0247

Answer:All of us are fond of fast food items like pizza, burgers, pasta, chow-mein and numerous other items, which are specifically not good for our health in long run. Most of these fast food items are prepared with vegetable oils and that too sometimes in unhygienic conditions, depending on the place from where you are getting it.

There are numerous stalls and even some large franchises, selling all these junk food items to the customers, many of whom are students or children. But, my dear friends, you should eat healthier food items like those prepared at your home. These homemade food items are delicious and healthy at the same time, providing you with all the essential nutrients and minerals, which fast food items lack in.


I would like to bring to the kind attention of my audience, that these fast food items should be avoided at any cost, although eating them occasionally like once or twice a month is okay if you are following the perfect diet for rest of the times. Similarly instead of coke and other cold drinks, one must prefer fresh fruit juices or soups, which are generally tastier and healthier than the former ones.


Answered by Anonymous

Speech On Junk Food: Unhealthy junk food tastes splendid but is incredibly detrimental to our health. Consuming them might seem very pleasing, but it has deadly consequences. If one aspires to live long and have a happy and healthy life, quitting junk food is the only way out.

Junk food is a type of edibles that contains high percentages of trans fatty acids, cholesterols, a very high amount of carbohydrate and added sugar. It lacks or has a minimal amount of the food components that are good for our health like vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega fatty acids and such.


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