Physics, asked by webindassatyam4263, 1 year ago

the density of gold is 19.6g/com3 wht is its density in si unit


Answered by ujjwal126
the si unit of density is kg /m ^ 3.
Answered by shrimgautam
since gm/cc and kg/meter cube are CGS and SI unit of density respectively
 d =[ M L^3 t^]
we have,
n1= 19.3 gm/cc                      n2=?                      x=1
M1=1g                                    M2=1000gm         y=-3
L1=1cm                                  L2=100cm            z=0
T1=1s                                     T2=1s
n2 =n1 [M1/M2] ^x [ L1/L2]^y [T1/T2]^z
     = 19.3 * [1g/100g]^1 * [1cm/100cm]^-3 * [1s/1s]
     = 19300 kg/m^3 
hope it could help you


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