English, asked by 9013508918ktv, 1 year ago

'The Diary of Anne Frank' is a work of an insightful mind of a young girl


Answered by rupali2972


What is your question Sir?

Answered by mindfulmaisel

After the holy Bible ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ is one of the most translated books as it unfolds beautifully the insights of the mind of a talented young girl who meets a tragic end with her mother and sister.  


Anne Frank was a bubbly young girl who had just entered her teens. She was a talented writer and wanted to experience the beauty of life. Being blessed with intelligence and creativity she began to write her thoughts and feelings in her little diary. Not having many friends she befriended her diary and personified it into a human being addressing it as Kitty. Kitty bore all the pains, sentiments and emotions of a young teenager. It served as testimony to the work of the insightful mind of a young girl. Anne Frank stands as a synecdoche to the Nazi torture under Hitler.      

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