Math, asked by suprit5000, 3 months ago

The difference between Cl and Sl in the first year is _____​


Answered by gaurihon11536

Step-by-step explanation:

Casual Leave: These leave are granted for certain unforeseen situation or were you are require to go for one or two days leaves. In case of casual leave normally company's strict maximum to 3 days in a month. In these case either the person has to take the permission in advance or has to be regulated on joining. this leave is normally never clubbed with Privilege leave, but it can be clubbed with sick leave if there is is no sick leave balance. Again quantum var from state to state as per shop & establishment act, normally this leave is not encashable or never carried forward. these days to attract people or to reduce absenteeism at the end of the year the balance Casual leave in converted to PL in the leave account.

Sick Leave : These leaves as name defines is for the sick the employee faces. the quantum is as the shop & establishment act at different state. These leave can be carried forward if balance with logic that a person can face sever illness which may require him to take medication and leave during that period which normally recommeded to carry forward upto 45 days or else it get lapse. This accumulation also reduces the absenteeism due to small sickness. If person is sick for more than 3 days normally he is required to attach the medical certificate.

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