The disaster left the voyagers shattered both physically and mentally. Comment. Answer should be brief otherwise I will delete your answer.
the voyagers encountered the disaster at around 6 pm. it was preceded by an ominous silence . the wind suddenly dropped and the sky immediately grew dark . a torrent of green and white water broke over the ship smashing
the head of the captain into the wheels . his daughter Suzanne bumped her
head badly .the vessel was badly damaged and was taking water the crew were face to face with death in raging sea thus the incident worried them physically and mentally they prepared themselves for the worst approaching death
chapter :-)We Are Not Afraid to Die if We Can All Be Together:-)
the disaster left the voyagers shattered physically as well as mentally. Torrent of water entered to ship with smashing the captain's head into the wheel. Subsequent waves tossed him up and broke his left ribs and teeth.Sue's had also struck against the ship and had a bump on her head. there was a deep cut on our arm also. the voyagers worst dressed and hopeless and that thought that their end was near.