The dragon custard was considered a cowered. Bit he proved his bravwlery in adversity. Analyse that certain qualities like bravery and courage are situational and spontaneous. Express your opinion with referanc to poem custurd the dragon
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this poem gives an impression that once was about their bravery make turn out to be covered on the other hand people who seem to be covered ise might actually be bravest among all despite showcasing their faint heartedness the best continue to brag about their so-called bravery custard being humble and kind hearted reference from teasing them and humorous them in a good spirit
custard cried for a nice safe cage because he was seemingly a covered customer is called a kavvali dragon because he is the only one in the house with seemingly faint-hearted
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- Custard’s humbleness won every reader’s heart as he showed true bravery and did not boast like Belinda and her other pets. Everyone boasted of their bravery but when they faced real danger, it was only Custard, who had the courage to face it. And he proved his bravery by not running away and facing the pirate and killing him. Qualities like bravery and courage can only be tested when someone is actually put in a dangerous situation. Therefore, these qualities are situational as becomes clear from Custard’s example. Custard looked for comfort all the time but this did not mean that he was a coward.
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