The dual activity of rubisco is found in??
C3 cycle and Photorespiration
RuBisCo (Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase) is used in the C3 cycle and photorespiration. Rubisco acts as carboxylase in the carboxylation step of the C3 cycle to produce two molecules of Phosphoglyeric acid(PGA).
In photorespiration, Rubisco acts as oxygenase and catalyzes the combination of O2 and the formation of one PGA and one phosphoglycolate molecule.
The dual activity of RuBisCo is found in C₃ cycle and photorespiration.
Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase, abbreviated as RuBisCo, is an enzyme part of the C₃ cycle and photorespiration, owing to its dual property - oxygenation and carboxylation.
In the C₃ cycle, it helps in carboxylation to produce 2 Phopshoglyceric acid molecules.
In the process of photorespiration, it helps in oxygenation, to produce 1 PGA and 1 phosphoglycolate molecule each, instead of 2 PGA molecules, like in the C₃ cycle.