Biology, asked by gmr131375, 11 months ago

The entire process of cultivating maize


Answered by hemanth029


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Answered by keshav4047


Land Preparation:

Maize requires a firm and compact seedbed free from stubbles and weed. One deep ploughing should be given, followed by two or three harrowings to bring the soil to a fine tilth. Add 10-15 tons of FYM or compost before last harrowing and mix thoroughly with harrow.

Ecological Requirement:

Climate: Maize does well on a wide range of climatic conditions, and it is grown in the tropical as well as temperate regions, from sea-levels up to altitudes of 2500m. It is however susceptible to frost at all stages of its growth.

Soil: Maize can be grown successfully in variety of soils ranging from loamy sand to clay loam. However, soils with good organic matter content having high water holding capacity with neutral pH are considered good for higher productivity. Being a sensitive crop to moisture stress particularly excess soil moisture and salinity stresses; it is desirable to avoid low lying fields having poor drainage and also the field having higher salinity. Therefore, the fields having provision of proper drainage should be selected for cultivation of maize.

Seed and sowing

a. Selection of seed: Seed should be free from insect, pest and disease free. It should be free from weed seed. It should be purchased from reliable sources. It should be high germination percentage.

b. Seed treatment: To protect the maize crop from seed and major soil borne diseases and insect-pests, seed treatment with fungicides and insecticides before sowing is advisable/ recommended as per the below given details.

Disease/insect-pest Fungicide/Pesticide Rate ofapplication

(g kg-1seed)

Turcicum Leaf Blight,, Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight, Maydis Leaf Blight Bavistin + Captan in 1:1 ratio 2.0

BSMD Apran 35 SD 4.0

Pythium Stalk Rot Captan 2.5

Termite and shoot fly Imidachlorpit 4.0

c. Sowing time:The optimum time of sowing are given below.

Season Optimum time of sowing

Kharif Last week of June to first fortnightJuly

Rabi Last week of October for inter cropping and up to15th of November for sole crop

Spring First week of February

d. Sowing method: Maize seed should be sown with dibbling or drilling method. It is depending on purpose of sowing, type of of maize, varieties and farm condition. Seed should not be sown more 5-6 cm depth of soil.

e. Seed rate and plant geometry: To achieve higher productivity and resource-use efficiencies optimum plant stand is the key factor. The seed rate varies depending on purpose, seed size, plant type, season, sowing methods etc. The following crop geometry and seed rate should be adopted.

Sr. No. Purpose Seed rate

(kg ha-1) Plant geometry

(plant x row, cm) Plant population

1 Grain (normal and  QPM) 20 60 x 20

75 x 20 83333


2 Sweet corn 8 75 x 25

75 x 30 53333


3 Baby corn 25 60 x 20

60 x 15 83333


4 Pop corn 12 60 x 20 83333

5 Green cob (normal maize) 20 75 x 20

60 x 20 66666


6 Fodder 50 30 x 10 333333

Varieties Recommended:

A. For Higher and Mid-altitudes (800 m above MSL) B. For Lower Altitudes (Below 800m)

Local Varieties:

- Local

- Local Yellow High Yielding Varieties (HYVs):

- Vijay

- Kisan

- NLD White

- Naveen - Vijay

- Kisan

- Diara

- Ganga Safed-2

- Ganga -101

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