The faultry function of an endocrine gland can make a person very short aur very tall. This gland is called
This gland is called pituitary gland
It’s hypersecretion in adults causes a disease called ACROMEGALY
In this disease person aquires abnormal height and a gorilla like appearance
The faulty function of a pituitary gland can make a person very short or very tall.
The pituitary gland is called as master gland which control the activities of many other hormone secreting glands. The gland is located in the base of the skull underneath the brain. Pituitary has two main parts anterior and posterior pituitary. Posterior pituitary secrets various hormones directly into the blood stream under the direction of the brain. It secrets growth hormone which regulate the body growth, metabolism and body composition. Excessive secretion of growth hormone causes gigantisms while deficiency causes short stature of body.