English, asked by LAASYA4779, 3 months ago

The figure of speech inthe line "Your eyes are as like diamond bright, but mine are as dull as lead" is​


Answered by Abhirami12345


it's simile


here eyes are compared as diamond and lead using the word as

comparison of two things using the word as is known as simile

hope this helps you

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Answered by Dalnvincible



→ The figure of speech used in the phrase, "Your eyes are as bright as Diamond, but mine are as dull as Lead" is Similie.


What is Similie?

A simile is a figure of speech in which two essentially dissimilar objects or concepts are expressly compared with one another through the use of “like” or “as.”

Simile is used as a literary device to assert similarity with the help of words like, "like" or "as", which are language constructs that establish equivalency. A proper simile creates an explicit comparison between two things that are different enough from each other such that their comparability appears unlikely.

For instance, the statement “this poem is like a punch in the gut” features a simile. The poem is being explicitly compared to a “punch in the gut” with the word “like.” This is an effective simile in that a poem is not at all similar to a punch in literal terms. However, figuratively, the simile’s comparison and association between these two things establishes that the impact of the poem on the speaker has the force of and feels similar to a punch in the gut.

I hope you can very well relate the given example with the one asked in your question! :D

Some common examples of Similie are as follows:-

  • Nutty as a fruitcake
  • Slept like a log
  • Sly as a fox
  • Fits like a glove
  • Cool as a cucumber
  • Blind as a bat
  • Light as a feather
  • Like watching paint dry
  • Works like a charm
  • Old as the hills
  • Pretty as a picture
  • Hurts like the devil
  • Strong as an ox
  • Fight like cats and dogs
  • Sparkle like diamonds
  • Cheeks like roses
  • Flat as a pancake
  • Eyes like glass
  • Sweet as sugar
  • Dull as a doorknob
  • Bright as the sun
  • Tough as nails
  • Smart as a whip
  • Mad as a hatter
  • Happy as a clam


I hope this helps! ^^

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