Computer Science, asked by RamyaReddi, 8 months ago

The first line of input consists of number of rows (rectangular area or string arrays), N
Next N lines consist of string array. Each string contains symbols (either 'x' or 'o' or '#'). x represents a tower, 'o' represents empty space and '#' is a delimiter between the 'x' and 'o'.


1 <= N <= 500

Output Format

Print the length of the largest helicopter that can land in the city else print -1 if input is invalid


Answered by ViperPankaj


The conductivity increases means the resistivity decreases. Thus when the temperature is increased in a semiconductor, the density of the charge carriers also increases and the resistivity decreases. For semiconductors it is said that they have a negative temperature co – efficient.

Answered by basanabhanuprakash

if you have answer post it

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