English, asked by sahulbellamkonda764, 9 months ago

the following
one who
nowing that they're not the best
Now anser the following questions
What is the quality of a player​


Answered by banani2112p8zd4n


Top Ten Qualities of an Outstanding Team Player

1. Enthusiasm & Commitment

An exemplary team member has enthusiasm for the organization and commitment for its cause. An outstanding team member stands behind the organization's ideals, vision and mission. A team player knows when to put aside the differences for the common good.

2. Integrity

Integrity is foundational and sets the parameters for the organization's success. The higher one's integrity, the higher one's success potential. An organization or a person can't be truly successful without integrity. Align your actions with your values for a high level of fulfillment and integrity ­ an ideal team member's actions reflect their commitment to the organization and community.

3. Competency

When we work with competent people, we're confident and trusting, knowing they'll deliver quality. Because one person's performance effects the functioning of the whole team, competency takes on great significance. Competency begets excellence; who can argue with that? Competency builds a strong team. Competency erases any cause for needless anxiety and is good for our mental health, as well as the health of the team.

4. Creativity

Creativity and "outside the box" thinking is key for organizational transformation and problem solving. Having creative thinkers on the team moves the organization forward in ways that can't be anticipated. Nurture your creative instincts and don't be afraid to share what you think might be unconventional ideas. Change would never occur if we didn't have bold "outside the box" thinkers!

5. Sense of Humor

Lightness holds the team together as much as shared values and vision. Dedication and commitment to shared values doesn't preclude team members from having fun! Lightness adds perspective and helps to keep team members balanced. Keep your life sane so you maintain your sense of humor; laughter is healing, healthy and fun!

6. Perseverance

Perseverance comes easily to those who are committed. When one is committed, one is steadfast in their belief of possibility. Nothing gets in the way of the vision. Obstacles are stepping-stones en route to fulfillment of the vision. Never take your eyes off the vision ­ work towards the goal so that nothing stands between your team and the goal/vision.

7. Language

Language is the conduit for growth and self-expression. While progress can happen without words, it's language that brings forward our learning and experience. Language is the context for commitment. Language connects us and is a primary conduit for self-expression.

8. The Power of Questions

Questions open communication; statements don't. Outstanding team members are inquisitive by nature and are open to hearing other points of view. Team members who appreciate the power of questions demonstrate strong teamwork skills. Questions move the team (and organization) forward in both linear and non-linear ways.

9. Reliability & Follow-Through

When we give our word, we create an expectation for others. When we deliver, others consider us reliable ­ our word carries weight and means something. An ideal team member understands the power of the word and how strongly our integrity is based upon our word. Reliability is keeping your word, time and time again.

10. Collaboration

Collaboration is at its essence, contribution. It's what happens when we "step outside of ourselves" and honor the space we share more than where we each individually come from. Collaboration is what we create when we come together. Strong team members value the power and synergy of collaboration.

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