the foolish Intelligence and pampering his rich mistress was a real cause of tricki's condition give a reasonable answer
the foolish Intelligence and pampering his rich mistress was a real cause of tricki's condition give a reasonable answer
Overindulgence and pampering beyond a limit becomes
unproductive. Be it a pet or a child, discipline is very necessary. The
fabulously rich and resourceful mistress was the main cause of
Tricki’s miserable condition. The entire staff and maids were there to
look after the needs of Tricki. His day-bed, night-bed, cushions, toys,
rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl and supper bowl were
always kept ready. Dr. Herriot rightly found out that Tricky’s only
fault was his greed for food. Overfeeding of sweets, cakes and
chocolates made Tricki hugely fat and listless. The doctor advised her
to put Tricki on a strict diet and give him plenty of exercise. It was
necessary to cut down his intake of sweets. But foolish indulgence of
mistress ignored his saner advice. The result was disastrous. Tricki
lost his appetite and started vomiting. Only when Mrs. Pumphrey
was ready to send Tricki to surgery to Dr.Herriot’s for fortnight,
things started improving. The doctor gave him no food but plenty of
water for a few days. It worked and Tricki’s recovery was rather fast.