The fraction equivalent to 45 / 63 is *
To reduce a fraction, divide both its numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, GCF.
Calculate the greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf, hcf, gcd.
Integer numbers prime factorization:
45 = 3² × 5;
63 = 3² × 7;
Multiply all the common prime factors, by the lowest exponents (if any)
gcf, hcf, gcd (45; 63) = 3² = 9;
Calculate the greatest (highest) common factor (divisor), gcf, hcf, gcd.
Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor
45/63 = (3² × 5) × (3² × 7)
[(3² × 5) ÷ 3²] / [(3² × 7) ÷ 3²]
= 5/7
As a decimal number:
5/7 = 5 ÷ 7
= 0.71
As a percentage:
0.714285714286 =
0.714285714286 × 100 / 100 =
71.428571428571 / 100 =
71.428571428571 % =
Final answer:
:: written in three ways ::
As a proper fraction
(numerator smaller than denominator):
45 / 63 = 5 / 7
As a decimal number:
45 / 63 = 0.71
As a percentage:
45 / 63 = 71.43 %