Biology, asked by ussaeed6522, 10 months ago

The functions of leaf tendrils


Answered by Anonymous


Your Answer ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

A tendril is a modified stem, leaf, or petiole. They are typically more round than flat and function to hold the plant up as it grows. Their movement is caused by differential growth on the part of the tendril which is not in contact with anything

Hope it helps you



Answered by mohammedafrid4136


Tendrils are the sensitive structures found on climbers. They are sensitive to touch and coil around the structures coming in their contact. They allow weak stem of climbers to climb up the support. So that by standing erect they can expose these leaves to maximum to absorb sunlight required for photosynthesis.In plants tendrils are present in different positions and leaf , stem or even branches of plants may be transformed into tendrils.

Stem tendril:- when a tendril is formed in the position of a branch it’s called as stem tendril. In the above diagram A is the example of axillary stem tendril in Passiflora, B is extraaxillary stem tendril in grapevine.

Leaf tendrils:- when the entire leaf or a part of leaf is modified into a tendril it’s called a leaf tendril. C is the whole leaf tendril of wild pea,D is leaflet tendril of sweet pea, E is rachis tendril of clematis , F is leaf tip tendril of Gloriosa, G is stipular tendril of Smilax,

Floral tendril :- H is floral tendril of Antigonon, where tip of floral axis is transformed into a tendril.

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