English, asked by qardho3000, 10 months ago

The gap year before working vs. Working after graduate
Write a compare and contrast essay


Answered by prettystefina11

A graduation student usually holds an impression that it is the end of the success story when he or she grabs an employment letter. Well and all set, they would probably draw a huge chart of time table in their minds. Not to be surprised, the time table would definitely contain the details of the fun they might like to have during the holiday time that comes in between the completion of the graduation and the joining date of the employment.

Since the holiday is one of the longest holidays someone could get in a lifetime, the plans of having a good time vary from moving around in the streets to travelling on a world tour. Anyway, it seems like they have time just for anything. The plans and execution differ from person to person. There might be people who wish to forget about the world and the routine, there might also be people who would plan their extensive future and people who would start working on their employment skills already much ahead in time. There might also be people who would already get into part-time employment to have a better experience with the work environment. Whatever the thought is, the holiday time is supposed to be spent the way one wants to. Once we fall into a daily routine of work, we might enjoy our work, but yet such a holiday with no commitments and no burdens and just with nothing but fun on the mind might not come back again.

In contrast with the long holiday and distorted routines, comes the time after the joining date of their first employment. Indeed the employment being the first one ever, it might be easy to be accustomed to the hard times they might have because they hold the enthusiasm of work and culture. Especially, the training period of employment might not be easy at all. This is because the training period might contain constraints like time, place, high understanding capacity, skills and speed of learning.

Yes as freshers, the graduates are solely supposed to concentrate on the work and nothing else. Some might find it difficult to cope and some might find it quite easy. Whatever it is, they are definitely supposed to put their hearts and souls to learn the new work. As the days pass by, they might get familiar with work and culture but still, it is a continuous process of learning. Even though the process of learning differs from that of the learning during graduation, but still they would be trained to be accustomed to the culture.

Before the employment, one might have a lot of time for holiday tours but less amount of money in hand. But after the employment, it actually might get to be quite the opposite. But as the days pass by and the employees get used to the work, even though they wouldn’t stop moving forward in their career yet, they can have the life they want but in an organized way.

Whatever the state is, it is all a part of our lives to build our life and career in the way we want it to be.  

Answered by aqibkincsem


A year’s break for the student’s academic career before they pursue any degree in the universities can help them to determine the best interests in their career aspects.

This can be made with efficient discoveries towards a bright pathway and provide a consolidation to them on the financial grounds. However, unenthusiastic students can end up ruining their career with this gap as this can serve them with inefficiency.

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