English, asked by divyankasonkar5, 8 months ago

the government should Ban all strikes in the country express your views either for or against this statement​


Answered by ShreshthaSaha


Here is your answer


Strike is the refusal by workers to work, in order to pressurize the management to accept their demands. Strike can also be ‘sympathy’ strike to express solidarity with their brethren elsewhere. Other forms that strike can take are work to rule, go slow, lightening strike, token strike etc. In another innovative form in Japan, workers may work more in order to express their resentment. In whatever form it is, strike is a weapon to be used only in the extreme circumstances when all other democratic means to negotiate have come to a end.

Today, industrial relations in our country are very bad. There is very little understanding, leave alone solidarity between the management and the workers. Lack of effective communication between the two creates a lot of misunderstanding and heat. So, strike today has become almost the sole means for the workers to force the management accede to their legitimate demands.

Who gains by strike? Whatever may be the end result, it is always found that strike harms the nation, the community, the workers as well as the management. During the period of strike, production comes to a standstill Inventories pile up. Stores are clogged. Transport sector slumps. The workers remain idle during the period. They face monetary and psychological problems. Their job is threatened. Millions of man-hours go waste.

Man-power, money, material resources, machines everything remain idle and this constitutes a loss. Production level falls down, inventory losses mount, transportation industry suffers, shortages are created, prices of commodities sky-rocket. The entire planning and social welfare schemes go haywire. And can one forget the miseries of common man who suffers silently because he neither has money power of the industrialists, nor the muscle power of the workers. And if the employees of essential services go on strike the problems are compounded.

Aren't the reasons cited above sufficient to convince one that strikes should be banned? Before jumping to any conclusion, however, we should realize that ours is a democratic country. If this right to strike is taken away from the workers, they will be left at the mercy of the management with no recourse to justice. And in our country, with a feudal tradition, it will not be a very happy situation. But strikes endanger the very functioning of our democracy. So what is the remedy?

Perhaps the most important remedy is one based upon the maxim Prevention is better than cure. It is important that the industrial relations are improved. We need profit making units but they should be owned and managed not by money minded people out by professionals. Management ought to look after the welfare of the workers. It requires change in the attitude of both the management and the workers. Management should understand that happy workers are more efficient and work harder. Also, workers should cultivate a sense of belonging for the Company. Above all, it is our work culture, our attitude towards work that should change. All this will go a long way in reducing the need and frequency of strikes.

‘Strike is a form of Satyagraha’ claimed Gandhiji. If today it has acquired a bad name, it is because politicians and unscrupulous leaders have virtually hijacked trade union and they use worker's grievances to further their own career and sometimes, even to blackmail industrialists. It is not strike that should be banned but the misuse of this right for unrelated issues as well as for any petty grievance. It should be resorted to when negotiations yield nothing but not to keep the whole country at ransom.




plzz mark it as the brainliest answer !!!

Answered by raichal1897


Each one of us has some or the other qualities in ourselves which differentiate us from other people. The vital need is to search it out of our soul and when we have sought it, excelled in it, and the need of the hour then is to be humble and not be over-confident. When we excel in a particular field, all have high expectations from us to perform well. There the humbleness and sincerity of our mind comes into play.

I too possess a talent and this is how I became aware of it. One day, I went to play badminton and I was astonished to find that the traditional and basic shots came naturally to me. I thought that this was an extraordinary trait gifted to me. I started to pursue my career as a badminton player. I worked hard for two years until I became the champion at the district level. I had stepped into the professional panel of this game. I thought that I was the best in the district and this thought convinced me to decrease the length of my practice sessions and my mind was on the seventh heaven. I stopped paying attention to senior players or the coach's advice.

Days passed, it was time now for the state level tournament. After winning districts, I had lost my humble attitude and was full of over-confidence. I thought that I would conquer the state level forgetting that there were many other district level players like me. To my utter surprise, I was knocked out in the first round by a player whom I had defeated at the district level. It was an extremely shocking and traumatic moment for me.

I had let down my parents and my coach and I felt ashamed to show my face to them. My coach came searching for me and I feared that he would lash out at me for losing such an important match, but rather he was calm and affectionate. In a matter of five minutes, he taught me the greatest lesson of my life- hard work and humbleness.

He explained he had been noticing my change of attitude which was the cause of my downfall. He also pointed to my over-confident behaviour and advised that one should always be rooted to the earth, no matter whatever height of success one reaches. Moreover one should always be humble and respectful at all times even to our opponents. From then on, I vowed to follow my guide's advice all my life.

My coach wanted to teach this lesson in a practical way, therefore didn't point my shortcomings earlier. Though I suffered a big defeat, but it is never too late to pick up the shreds and weave a bed of roses for yourself.

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