Math, asked by bhumisinghvi17, 3 months ago

the graph of linear equation y = x passes through the point _______.
a) ( 1 , -1 )
b) ( -1 , -1)
c) ( 0 , 1 )
d) ( 1 , 0 )​


Answered by Anonymous

Answer :-

The graph of y = x looks something like this as shown below .

\setlength{\unitlength}{2.5mm}\begin{picture}(10,10)\linethickness{0.45mm}\put(20,20){\vector(2,0){18}}\put(20,20){\vector(-2,0){18}}\put(20,20){\vector(0,2){18}}\put(20,20){\vector(0,-2){18}}\multiput(19.35,6)(0,2){16}{\line(1,0){1.3}}\multiput(6,19.35)(2,0){16}{\line(0,1){1.3}}\put(20,20){\circle*{1}}\qbezier(20,20)(20,20)(34, 35) \qbezier(8,5)(8,5)(20.8, 20.9)\end{picture}

So , it is clear from the graph that the line passes through point (-1,-1) .

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