The Gulf region has been a volatile one since the British forfeited the ostrich states creatingPalestine, Israel and The Emirates. The entire stretch ---semi-arid, largely non-agraran and predominantly Islamic - thrives on the Petro Dollars it generates from its seemingly endless reserves of crude oil. Today the US exercises definitive control over its allies- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar Oman and the Emirate States-with the exception of Al-Khammalya, Iran and Iraq have been appropriated by hardline Islamic oligarchies, while Turkey, Greece, Libya and such sundry nations bordering the region are in process of self-purification. Civilian unrest and pro-Islamic rejuvenation have crippled these prosperous economies What does India stand to lose or gain in the process ? At the worst, we may find ourselves alienated by the fundamentalist revival and lose our favoured - nation status. At the best we may carve a niche for our Petro - needs with re-aligned regimes. Given the talent and expertise that we have in our diplomatic echelons, India can and should be able to maximise leverage from the throes that grip the gulf. A. Answer the following question very briefly on the basic of your reading of the above passage. 1. What sustains the gulf states as thriving economices ? 2. How the region been politically unsettled in recent times ? 3. What effect can the region's recent unrest bear on India ? 4. Which assets will prove invaluable to us getting mileage out of the region's volatile situation ? 5. Give a suitable title to the passage.
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Some methods of teaching Social Studies include, stimulation, laboratory, inquiry, project, dramatizations, questions and answer, field-trips, discussion, lecture, problem-solving, dramatization, home assignment and construction methods.
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