English, asked by aryacc, 1 year ago

The Heart Of The Tree is more relevant today as we face climate change and environment degradation. Hence, Planting a tree is a noble deed. Justify this with reference to scientific, social and environmental benefits in 200 words


Answered by Anonymous

the poem heart of the tree deals with the utilities and the values of the treats it comments on the relevance and importance of trees in the Modern Times.the poem opens with a question with his repeated rice what does he plant who plants the tree the poet himself provide the answers in metaphor.it is a friend of Sun and sky in other words it ensures healthy environment it ensures cool the breezes the place where it stands is a keen to heaven.as its Shelters Birds one can hear them sweet songs in Twilight so one who plant a tree creates a congenial atmosphere all around in which there is peace harmony comfort music and beauty.the then the poet goes on the Emirates several other benefits of planting a tree.3 inches School set for us in summer it causes tender Reigns it gives seeds and buds 2 Bloom into flowers a tree is a symbol of forest heritage.it can serve us as a living Legacy for the next generation it is the symbol of joy for our stillborn children the stream link our present and future.then the poet says that the one who plants Retreat does a Civic good all his neighbours feel blessed and benefited it is he who ensures the growth of his country in other words a country's growth and progress depend on the wealth of trees he who plants at regions well for the Welfare of his country.in fact by planting a tree he plants and Nation.
Answered by skyfall63

A tree is a life and all living beings such as animals and human beings are dependent on trees for oxygen.


Scientific benefits:

  • On a scientific basis, cross plantation or pollination can take place.
  • The medicinal plants help to develop a cure for diseases.
  • The growth or age of a tree is possible through a botanical study.
  • Development of fertilizers and pesticides suitable to a plant. Research on non-toxic chemicals to kill pests or infections.

Social benefits:

  • Trees supply food to eat in the form of vegetables and fruits.
  • Leaves of trees are used for home-cure such eucalyptus for body-ache, basil leaves for cough, etc.,

Environmental benefits:

  • Stops soil erosion during heavy flooding. Soil surrounded by trees holds firm ground.
  • Absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen which is essential to breath.
  • Helps to fight pollution by absorbing harmful gases released from factories, transport vehicles, etc.,
  • Balances the ecosystem for a sustainable life. For example, a deer feeds on grass and a lion feeds on deer for food.
  • Trees are helping to fight climate change or global warming by maintaining a normal temperature.

                                                        Today, environment-friendly activities are much needed for sustainability. Chipko's movement in India sets an example regarding the importance of trees in our life. A tree saved is a tree planted.

Importance of tree in our life:


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