The height h(t) and horizontal distance x(t) travelled by a ball thrown at an angle A with a speed v are given by the following equations: ℎ()=−12⁄2 ()=. The acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.81 dsec2. Write a script file to solve the following problems.
a) Suppose the ball is thrown with the velocity v = 10 d s e c at an angle 35". Compute how height of the ball will change and how long it will take the ball to hit the ground. This problem can be solved using graphical and analytical methods.
b) Use the values for v and A to numerically calculate and plot the ball's trajectory (plot h versus x for positive values h). Use a x i s to restrict the height to positive values.
c) Plot the trajectories for ~ 1 d s0e c corresponding to any three values of the angle A. Use axis to restrict the height to positive values. Use different line types for the three curves.
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