The IUPAC name of the following compound is
(a) 4-hydroxy - 5 - methyl - hexan - 2- one
(b) 2 - oxo - 5-methyl - hexan -4 - ol
(0) 3 - hydroxy - 2-methyl - hexan - 5 - one
(d) 5 - oxo - 2-methyl - hexan - 3 - ol
Given to find the IUPAC name of the compound:-
The IUPAC name of the given compound is 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-hexan-2-one
By observing the compound,
We can say that 3 substituents are present .They are Alcohol, Ketone, Methyl .
We also know that,
Alcohol and ketone are functional group .
According to Functional group order,
Ketones > Alcohols.
So, We are used to write now Alcohol as substituent (prefix) is hydroxy.
Ketone is taken as suffix (oxo or one)
Now, selecting the parent chain :-
Containing more subtituents and more no.of carbons is taken as parent chain.
Longest Parent chain has 6 carbons
Root word is hex
Refer the attachment.
So, now
We have to give numbering for the substituents,
If we give from left-right
Ketone => 2
Alcohol => 4
Methyl => 5
If we give from right-left
Ketone => 5
Alcohol => 3
Methyl => 2
So, we have to follow numbering from left-right As ketone gets lowest number
Now writing the IUPAC name:-
By alphabetical order :-
H ydroxy , M ethyl
We have to write 1st Hydroxy .
4-hydroxy, 5-methyl hexan-2-one