English, asked by piku4553, 1 year ago

The Joy of Sharing
Read this passage.
I was walking along the corridor of the primary schoo
upon two girls sitting on a bench, their heads
they were doing that they were completely oblivious of my app
diligently separating some beautiful stamps and
ne corridor of the primary school one morning when I chanced to com
sitting on a bench, their heads close together. They were so engrossed in what
ng that they were completely oblivious of my approach. I saw that they were
some beautiful stamps and putting them carefully into two envelopes
urs. When I asked them what they were doing, one of the girls said with a
e, Tina and I are sharing the stamps that we have collected. I have collected
ve stamps and Tina has gathered another twelve. We will now share these stamps and
paste them in our scrapbooks. We like to share what we have; it makes us happy
away smiling while congratulating them on their work.
The incident set me thinking. What a beautiful thought the girl had expressed! How wonderful
it was to share! How often do we share the joy we experience, the knowledge we acquire and
the things we have in plenty? We never take time off from our busy schedule to give a thought
to the people who are not as fortunate as we are and need our support. We are reluctant to
share the good things of life.
People often share their thoughts, emotions, experiences, memories and even failures with
friends. By sharing resources, information and knowledge, we create relationships based on
trust which lead to happiness. Remember that when joy is shared, it multiplies manifold when
sorrow is shared--it decreases in intensity and when knowledge is shared it only me
thirst for more. Share--and share happily, for that is the surest path to peace


Answered by snipersmile11

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