English, asked by shivk91531, 9 months ago

the letter which does not bear the name of the writer.(one word substitution)


Answered by ssaraswathi475


Answer: One word substitution of "the work without the name of author" is Anonymous. Explanation: One word substitution is one of the important parts of the vocabulary.

Answered by varindagarg812



One word substitution is a technique in which one word is used to substitute a long phrase in order to simplify the sentence structure. This also makes tasks more concise rather than complicated. You can replace "He drives me around town in a vehicle" with "He chauffeurs me around town." Although the meaning is the same, the statement is shorter. This adds depth to the writing while maintaining its conciseness.


The letter that does not include the author's name. (a single word replacement)


Write the one word substitution of the given sentence is "The letter which does not bear the name of the writer"


The answer is "Anonymous"

an anonymous author who is not named or identified They prefer to stay unidentified.

=> how to find one word substitution

It can be difficult to know where to go for these substitutions if you aren't used to needing to substitute your sentences. When you don't have access to the internet, a thesaurus can be a quick way to find these replacement words. Onewordsubstitution.com, for example, is a website dedicated to one-word substitutes. There are alternative options for finding these terms.

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