Economy, asked by pshahida838, 9 months ago

the life of holy prophet​


Answered by jaisika19


Who Was Muhammad?

Muhammad is the prophet and founder of Islam. Born in Mecca in 570, most of his early life was spent as a merchant. At age 40, he began to have revelations from Allah that became the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. By 630 he had unified most of Arabia under a single religion. As of 2015, there are over 1.8 billion Muslims in the world who profess, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.Muhammad was born around 570, AD in Mecca (now in Saudi Arabia). His father died before he was born and he was raised first by his grandfather and then his uncle. He belonged to a poor but respectable family of the Quraysh tribe. The family was active in Meccan politics and trade.

Many of the tribes living in the Arabian Peninsula at the time were nomadic, trading goods as they crisscrossed the desert. Most tribes were polytheistic, worshipping their own set of gods. The town of Mecca was an important trading and religious center, home to many temples and worship sites where the devoted prayed to the idols of these gods. The most famous site was the Kaaba (meaning cube in Arabic). It is believed to have been built by Abraham (Ibrahim to Muslims) and his son Ismail. Gradually the people of Mecca turned to polytheism and idolatry. Of all the gods worshipped, it is believed that Allah was considered the greatest and the only one without an idol.In his early teens, Muhammad worked in a camel caravan, following in the footsteps of many people his age, born of meager wealth. Working for his uncle, he gained experience in commercial trade traveling to Syria and eventually from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. In time, Muhammad earned a reputation as honest and sincere, acquiring the nickname “al-Amin” meaning faithful or trustworthy.

In his early 20s, Muhammad began working for a wealthy merchant woman named Khadihah, 15 years his senior. She soon became attracted to this young, accomplished man and proposed marriage. He accepted and over the years the happy union brought several children. Not all lived to adulthood, but one, Fatima, would marry Muhammad’s cousin, Ali ibn Abi Talib, whom Shi’ite Muslims regard as Muhammed’s successor.

Muhammad was also very religious, occasionally taking journeys of devotion to sacred sites near Mecca. On one of his pilgrimages in 610, he was meditating in a cave on Mount Jabal aI-Nour. The Angel Gabriel appeared and relayed the word of God: “Recite in the name of your Lord who creates, creates man from a clot! Recite for your lord is most generous….” These words became the opening verses of sūrah (chapter) 96 of the Qur'an. Most Islamic historians believe Muhammad was initially disturbed by the revelations and that he didn’t reveal them publicly for several years. However, Shi’a tradition states he welcomed the message from the Angel Gabriel and was deeply inspired to share his experience with other potential believers.

Islamic tradition holds that the first persons to believe were his wife, Khadija and his close friend Abu Bakr (regarded as the successor to Muhammad by Sunni Muslims). Soon, Muhammad began to gather a small following, initially encountering no opposition. Most people in Mecca either ignored him or mocked him as just another prophet. However, when his message condemned idol worship and polytheism, many of Mecca’s tribal leaders began to see Muhammad and his message as a threat. Besides going against long standing beliefs, the condemnation of idol worship had economic consequences for merchants who catered to the thousands of pilgrims who came to Mecca every year. This was especially true for members of Muhammad’s own tribe, the Quraysh, who were the guardians of the Kaaba. Sensing a threat, Mecca’s merchants and leaders offered Muhammad incentives to abandon his preaching, but he refused.

Answered by aminamunir515


Explanation:The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a role model for every person of this world who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment. This source of light and guidance (the Prophet PBUH) can lead us completely. The world has seen a lot of scholars, philosophers and preachers but none was as great as the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Allah sent His messengers in every period of history to guide the humanity. The world had been waiting for the last Prophet for centuries. This long wait was ended with the prophethood of the Prophet (PBUH). He was sent as the last Prophet of Allah Almighty. His Shariah was regarded as the last message of Allah and the previous Shariahs were abolished. His guidance was declared sufficient for all till the end of this world. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “If Hazrat Musa had been alive he had no option but to follow me.”

Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) was born and died in the month of Rabi-ul-Awal. He is an embodiment of mercy for all mankind. All the prophets guided the humans. But Mohammad (PBUH) brought a revolution in the lives of the people. This revolution is example-less in the history of mankind. Our love for the Prophet (PBUH) involves not only the devotion and passion for him but to follow his deeds also. There is no option left for us but to follow his teachings.

Mohammad (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah. His prophethood is sufficient for all humanity up to the end of this world. No one will be blessed with prophethood and no previous prophet will be followed. A person who accepts Mohammad (PBUH) a prophet but not the last one, it is nothing but a refusal. The prophethood of the Holy Prophet has two parts. Firstly, he is a prophet and secondly he is the last prophet of Allah Almighty. The Quran has made it clear that the prophethood was started with Hazrat Adam and was ended with the Holy Prophet (PBUH). No prophet will come after Mohammad (PBUH). It shows that his prophethood is universal. He is not the prophet of his age but he is the prophet of every age. He should be obeyed in every age. Truth is forever. The modern systems of making people slaves is useless. Islam guides people in every field of life. It is a complete code of life. That’s why the non-believers are attacking the faith of Khatam-e-Nabuwat and Namoos-e-Rasalat. They are using different tactics to degrade our faith. But the faithful Muslims have great love for Mohammad (PBUH) in spite of all weaknesses. In order to prevent these conspiracies, we should make laws and struggle on all levels. If we want to get relief we should follow him. Anyone who wants to please Allah he should follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Muslims are in a great number in this world. But they are disunited. The Muslim community is in a miserable condition in Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and Myanmar. The Muslim world and its leadership has become irresponsible and self-centered. On the contrary, the non-believers are united and attacking the Muslim Ummah severely. Pakistan is the center of the expectations of the Muslim world. It has abundance of every kind of resources. But corruption, poverty and lawlessness is prevailing everywhere. The country which was established on the basis of Kalma Tayyaba should be an ideal Islamic state. The sacrifices which were laid at the time of Partition have been forgotten. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) started his mission of improving the mankind, people became his bitter enemies. They tortured him and his companions severely. He (PBUH) bore all hardships manfully and continued his struggle. At last, he (PBUH) became successful. The Muslims dominated the evil forces and conquered the whole Arab. Now anti-Islamic forces have become powerful again. We have to follow the Quran and Sunnah in order to defeat these negative forces. The Holy Quran is the foundation of Islam and Sunnah has given a shape to this building. In short, it is most important for the Muslim Ummah to follow the Quran and Sunnah.

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