English, asked by arth2008, 7 months ago

The love for one's country is expressed at different times and in several ways. In times of war, soldiers express their love by standing and fighting in the line of fire. During such times, people who are not soldiers may express their love by pooling in resources to support the cost of war. Some might say that the action of the soldiers is more patriotic than that of the civilians. What do you think?
I know the points but to be sure pls answer


Answered by adhikaryarchana


Actually all people have their own different ways of thinking...it's dippendent on that person who see your question and see the whole matter in their various outlook....but you tell us to answer your question...so that's my duty to give you the perfect answer...according to me all people show their loves for country by various ways...so I think when the all people's good wishes are joined with each others then the love factor is called as a country...where all people are same...all thinking are different but good for our country....for that I think the soldirs are doing their job to protect our country...and we also done our job perfectly...our ways are different but not less important than one another....

I think I give my answer ....

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