English, asked by padmavarshini131, 9 months ago

THE MAGICAL POWER story with problem and solution​?


Answered by preetu5773


dont no sorry

Answered by amansingh3535


Beginning of the journey:

Me and my dad boarded the train to Kolkata for my counseling sessions at around 6:30 am in morning. Everything was going well but the demons lurking in the dark started showing the true colors.

I slept off in the upper berth of our coach…

At around 2:50am awakened by someone’s hand over my breast trying to feel them. Being nervous and disgusted at the same time it didn’t hit me so started creating noises which woke up everyone.

Dad asked me what was wrong and i told him everything that i could remember. Other passengers were least bothered about the incident that just took place. He was fast enough to get the police in charge of the train..

So the accused was held by the police and were provided security guards till the howrah police station.

As we reached the station the accused started pleading me saying he had kids and it was his first time doing this. Upon hearing this the enraged state within the soul to an extent where i just stood up without any fear.

Shouted at him saying “what would you have done to a person who did the same thing to your little girl? Just say that and the action shall accordingly”

To which he stopped pleading and started crying. In the mean time the police officers gave me two choices :

1)Hand him over the accused to them so that they can fine and keep him in the lockup for 7 days

2)File an FIR which was a lengthy process as we ought to stay there just for 3 days…

Events during the whole scenario:

And what I heard the next moment is something that all girls would want to hear from their father.

“Just know that i will stand by with any decision you make.”

And that finally gave the courage a girl who always seeks for and I filed an FIR against the accused person. Dad told me that the person is guilty for something that made you suffer and its completely your choice what you want to do to him.

At that moment i was clueless, nervous & didn’t know what to do and just looked at my dad for the answer…

Today’s scenario:

This journey made me realize that i am truly a blessed daughter of a fierce father who is ready to give up anything from the society questioning to what his daughter’s image will be in the society,he is someone i have always looked upto and i hope this story of mine inspires all the girls out their to speak up for themselves against molestation,eve teasing and everything & anything that makes you uncomfortable..

In short the accused is now in lock up for nearly 2 months waiting for the punishment.


please like this story.

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