The man of Goutham make sentence ward foolish
Qs.1-3 Three Unseen Passages of total 500 words followed by 15 marks Multiple Choice Questions of 1
mark each, Out of the 15 marks, 3 marks will be for vocabulary. The questions will test inference,
evaluation, and analysis. The passage may be extracts from poetry / factual / discursive passage.
Section B : WRITING 15 marks
40 periods
4. Letter Writing : One out of two letters (formal / informal / email) in not more than 100 words
based on verbal stimulus and context period.
Type of letter : Informal - personal such as to family and friends.
Formal - letter to the Editor.
Email - formal letters to Principal of the school or to the Editor of a Newpaper or a Magazine.
6 marks
5. Writing an article, speech or debate based on visual or verbal stimulus in not more than 120 words
(one out of two). (6 marks)
6. Writing a short composition in the form of the dialogue writing / story or report of minimum 60
words (One out of two). 3 marks
Section C : GRAMMAR 15 marks
45 periods
This section will assess grammar items in context for 15 marks. It will carry 5 questions of 3 marks each.
Qs7-11 A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context. Test types
used will include gap-filling, sentence-completion, sentence-reordering, dialogue-completion and
sentence- transformation (including combining sentences). The Grammar syllabus will include the
following areas in class X :
1. Tenses
2. Modas (have to / had to, must, should, need, ought to and their negative forms)
3. Use of passive voice
4. Subject-verb concord
5. Reporting
i) Commands and requests
ii) Statements
iii) Questions
6. Clauses :
iv) Noun clauses
v) Adverb clauses of condition and time
vi) Relative clauses
7. Determiners
8. Prepositions
Note : No separate marks are allotted for any of the grammatical items listed above.
All questions will be multiple choice questions. The questions will be based on a sample of grammar
items taught in class X.
Section D : TEXT BOOKS 35 marks
95 periods
First Flight - NCERT Text Book for Class - X 25 marks
12. Two reference to context Multiple Choice Questions from Prose / Play. Upto one mark in each
extract will be for vocabulary, at least one question will be used for testing local and global
comprehension besides a question on interpretation. 4×2=8 marks
13. Two out of three references to context stanzas from a poem followed by 3 Multiple Choice Questions
to test local and global comrehension of the set text. 3×2=6 marks
14. Three out of four Short Answer questions based on Prose or Play to test local and global comprehension,
theme and ideas. (40-50 words). 3×2=6 marks
15. One out of two Long Answer questions extrapolative in nature, based on Prose or Play (Minimum 80
words). 5 marks
Footprints without Feet : NCERT Supplementary Read