Social Sciences, asked by basantkumar1996, 1 year ago

The mitigation strategies adopted by indian goverment during the disaster


Answered by marghoobs64



Earlier, the approach to Disaster Management has been primarily reactive and relief centric. A paradigm shift has now taken place at the national level from the erstwhile response centric approach to holistic and integrated management of disasters with emphasis on prevention, mitigation and preparedness. These efforts are aimed to conserve developmental gains and also minimize losses to lives, livelihood and property. Prevention and mitigation contribute to lasting improvement in safety.

Role and Responsibilities

To conceptualize and fix contours and definition of mitigation projects along with the identification and description of the various interventions required. These tasks will be carried out through an inclusive and participatory process involving extensive consultation with the Central Ministries/Departments/State Governments/Union Territories and other stakeholders.


To formulate Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) duly describing all the support systems, i.e. financial technical and managerial resources as well as the techno-legal regimes required. For this experts/agencies need to be engaged, on an as required basis in terms of the Government rules and regulations.

Ongoing projects

New Initiatives  

Project on deployment of Mobile Radiation Detection Systems(MRDS) to handle Radiological Hazards in Metros/Capital Cities/Big Cities in India:- To detect unclaimed radioactive materials/substances and save public from its hazardous effects,NDMA has chalked out a plan to provide States/UTs Mobile Radiation Detection Systems to be deployed in Metros/all Capital Cities and Big Cities in India and also train personnels as ‘Trainer of Trainers’.

Landslide Risk Mitigation Scheme (LRMS)The Scheme envisages financial support for site specific Landslide Mitigation Projects recommended by landslide prone States, covering “disaster prevention strategy, disaster mitigation and R& D in monitoring of critical Landslides” thereby leading to the development of Early Warning System and Capacity Building initiatives. The Scheme is under preparation.

Flood Risk Mitigation Scheme (FRMS)The Scheme covers activities like a) Pilot Projects for development of model Multi-Purpose Flood Shelters and b) Development of River Basin specific Flood Early Warning System and Digital Elevation Maps for preparation of Inundation Models for giving early warning to the villagers for evacuation in case of flood. Under the Scheme, financial support is to be provided to the Flood prone States for undertaking pilot scheme in respect of above two activities. The Scheme is under preparation.

Core Group for Preparation of Guidelines to avert Boat Tragedies in India:- In view of some serious boat tragedies taking place in the country, including the boat tragedy in Dhubri, Assam in May, 2012, leading to loss of lives of people, on the request of Min. of Home Affairs, NDMA on the request of MHA has constituted a Core Group / Working Groups consisting of representatives of concerned Departments of Central/State Governments and other Organizations to formulate suitable guidelines on the subject for the guidance of States/UTs to avert such boat mishaps in India. The deliberations of Working Groups are on.


Ongoing Projects

Project:- A National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Project (Preparatory Phase)

1.National Earthquake Risk Mitigation (Preparatory phase) has been approved as a Centrally Sponsored Plan Scheme with an outlay of Rs.24.87 crore, to be implemented within a period of two years (2013-15).

2.The major components of National Earthquake Risk Mitigation (Preparatory phase) and their cost are as under:

i)Techno-legal Regime which involves adoption, enforcement and updation of Techno-legal Regime in concerned Cities/States -- Rs.8.20 Crore

(ii)Institutional Strengthening which involves Capacity Building of education and research in colleges and institutes -- Rs.9.52 crore

(iii)Capacity Building of practicing architects, engineers and Masons in earthquake resistant construction techniques -- Rs. 3.85 crore

(iv)Public Awareness & Sensitization at National level and all vulnerable States -- Rs. 1.88 Crore

(v)Project Management--Rs.1.42 Crore

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