English, asked by rahulsahu464347, 7 months ago

the newcomer was misfit in the workers paradise as
(1) he mand little pieces of sculpture
(2) he stood laxily in the street and pushed others
(3) he spent his Earth Life in useless work
(4) he lay down on the footpath​


Answered by unicorn276



The poem “Life” by Charlotte Brontë begins with these wonderful lines, ‘LIFE, believe, is

not a dream/So dark as sages say’. Her use of the morning rain or the cloud metaphor that soon

dissipates, leaving flowers blooming in its wake or foretelling a pleasant day is so refreshing.

In the first stanza, the poet states that life is for real and it isn’t a dream. She boldly refutes

and denies the claim of sages (experienced folks) and states that they are incorrect in calling life a

“dark dream”. The reference here is to the many negative people around us who hold pessimistic

views about life, people, situations, etc. and are, in general, distrustful of all things around. The

poet, on the contrary, feels that every distress in our life is the bearer of happy moments just

waiting to happen.

The poet unequivocally reiterates the need for optimistic attitude in our lives and urges to

overcome our grief and disappointments just like the “gloomy clouds” that give way to “blooming

flowers” one day and the morning rain prophesizing a “pleasant day” some other day. The poet

opines that miseries and woes in our lives are only temporal or ephemeral (short-lived) like the

“transient clouds” and the spell of good things (like the “pleasant day and blooming flowers”)

invariably follow them.

Just like a day that can dampen a mood with a little morning rain but soon after enliven

(cheer) the same mood by bringing about a pleasant day, life too throws multiple challenges and

hurdles at us and sometimes weakens our spirit for the moment, but once conquered, they

embolden and empower us to face life’s even more greater troubles with frenzied spirit. The

miserable days of our lives are compared to the “Gloomy clouds” that are only momentary and

will pass by.

Answered by haripriya07




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