the old man's personality is reflected by this?
Suggested Long-Answer Questions
1. Is The Refugees' a didactic story? What message does it convey?
2. Could one call the old refugee man a beggar? Comment.
3. "These were men and women of which any nation might have been prog
says the narrator about the refugees. Why?
4. Describe the physical and mental condition of the refugees in the to
5. What are the most iniportant concerns of the old starved man and he
docs he show them in his behaviour?
۱۱۹ - (2) اعرکہ
writer conveys
3)In popular use, the term refugee is often interpreted more broadly than its legal definition to include all people who flee their homes seeking refuge from harm. There are many circumstances which could force someone to flee to safety, including war or civil strife, domestic violence, poverty and natural or man-made disasters. However, the Refugee Convention only recognises people as refugees if they are displaced from their home country because of persecution on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
4)In popular use, the term refugee is often interpreted more broadly than its legal definition to include all people who flee their homes seeking refuge from harm. There are many circumstances which could force someone to flee to safety, including war or civil strife, domestic violence, poverty and natural or man-made disasters. However, the Refugee Convention only recognises people as refugees if they are displaced from their home country because of persecution on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.