English, asked by arshdeepkaur98, 6 months ago

The ono industry that remains unaffected by any depression in trade is the beauty industry. The woman world
over continue to spend money on their faces and bodies even when there is a great slump in other areas of
trade. The number of advertisements proclaiming the miracles performed by the various beauty aids goes to
support the fact that, today, with all the talk about emancipation, equality of loxes and feminism women are
still observed with their physical beauty as they were in the times of Cloopatra.
America leads the figures, literally and metaphorically. Many parts of Europe by virtue of being affected by
political and economic instability, leava precious little for women to beautify themselves. May be, tha
women in Europe, can then do is to wash and hope for the best. But, the rich and upper middle class women,
everywhere in the world, block a substantial amount of their income on boautifying themselves WHY IS NO
The richer the man gets the more obsessed he becomes with high powered cars and electronie gadget and
bank balances. On the contrary, the women, especially the urban upper middle class women, and their bodian
and faces worthy of Investing a major part of their income.
Womon, these days, are much freer than they were in the last century. Not only are they troa to tako part in
social and professional functions of a society as an equal to man, but also to look attractive in any given
situation. The beauty industry is shrowd enough to exploit this trend and women in overy walk of life have
somothing to buy from the range of products that the beauty Industry offers. The British matron, today, tho
thing of the past.
As a result of the number of beauty parlours that have sprung up in overy stroot corner of the metropoleon, and
the exercises, the health motors and the skin foods that they offor, you can hardly run into an old woman thong
days. One could say 'old ladios' are fast becoming an extinct specios, Whito hair wrinklon bont back and
hollow cheeks are foatures of a bygone era. Cosmotic surgery has slowly eradicatod thoso unwanted
phenomena. If children of posterity want to look at an old woman, they might have to run to an an gallery and
find a medieval painting.write the note making and summary of this passage​


Answered by krishnkumarpatel147
  • Explanation:
  • 31513 \times 026 \div 13414 \div  { \times 0 \div x \div  \times  \div  { \times  \times  {3 \div \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\ elsks}allfh}}cltkd}xxja \\  \\  \\  \\  \\  \\ }^{?} }^{?} }^{?}

Answered by Abhijeet1589


TITLE: Booming Buisness of Beauty

  1. Unaffected industry

1.1 Unchgd by dwmpressn

1.2 wmn everywhere splurge on faces.

2. Beauty Advts.

2.1 Declare miracles via aids.

2.2 Spprts women are comprd by physical attribts.

3. Difference in standards.

3.1 Men cptvtd by cars and gadgets

3.2 High clss womn invst large amnt of money on thmslvs

4. Clever Industry.

4.1 Womn desire to look attrctv

4.2 Parlour/salon opnd evry nook n corner.

4.3 Beauty prdcts, pills,csmtc srgry

4.4 Old lady - thng of past


  • Unchgd - Unchanged
  • dpressn - Depression
  • wmn - Woman
  • Advts - Advertisments
  • spprts- supports
  • cptvtd - captivated
  • invst - invest
  • amnt - amount
  • thmslvs - themselves
  • attrctv - attractive
  • opnd - opened
  • evry - every
  • prdcts - products
  • csmtc - cosmetic
  • srgry - surgery


Booming Business of Beauty

The beauty industry remains unaffected by the depression in trade, and women around the world love to invest huge sums of their bank accounts in beautifying themselves. The advertisements proclaim miracles support the notion that women are still compared on physical attributes despite all conversations about gender equality and feminism. women want to look attractive in every social and professional function. With the rise in beauty products, parlors and cosmetic surgeries in every corner of metropolitan city It is safe to say that old woman is a thing of past.


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