English, asked by gaganglosun29, 10 months ago

The Panther summary​


Answered by rajattyagi45


Summary of “The Panther” by Rainer Maria Rilke

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Rainer Maria Rilke is considered as one among the most significant poets in the German language. Rilke was a Bohemian–Austrian poet. He did not have a happy childhood and he was later on made to join a military academy following his parents’ separation. But he did not complete his studies from there as he had to leave due to his illness.

During the period 1902-1910, is when Rilke had a transformation, when he started to become deeply involved in the sculpture of Rodin. Rodin taught him the value of objective observation and from this Rilke developed a change in his poetic style from the subjective and broken language into something new to the European style.

“The Panther” depicts the picture of a panther being locked in a cage and is not able to go around as per its freedom. In the initial phase of the poem, the poet says that even though the panther is a strong animal, it has been locked in a caged room and is denied its freedom.

Answered by Arjun2424


\boxed{\boxed{\huge{\bf{The \  Panther}}}}

The poem deals with a panther who paces endlessly in its cramped cage in the zoo. Its physical appearance is that of a free beast, but its spirit and instincts have been dulled by long captivity.

This poem is placed between several others that reflect and illuminate it by their similar subject matter. Preceding it is the two-part sequence titled “Der Gerfangene” (“The Prisoner”). There, the thoughts of a man in prison are punctuated by the numbing, repetitious drip of water in his cell. In the second of the two sequences, the prisoner tries to portray, for someone on the outside, the madness and horror of his life. Placed immediately after the panther poem is one called “Die Gazelle” (“The Gazelle”). This poem also portrays an animal in a zoo. Instead of being dulled by captivity, however, the gazelle is raised to an image of lightness, self-containment, and beauty.

\boxed{\boxed{\huge{\bf{About \ Poem}}}}

“The Panther” is the oldest poem in Rilke’s first volume of the two-volume Neue Gedichte (1907, 1908; New Poems, 1964).

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