The retina of our eye has a large number of light sensitive cells. There are two kinds of cell on retina:-1. Rods2. Cones1. Rods they don't save this file present in retina of an eye which are sensitive to dim light. It do not detect colour. It helps people to see in low light. Nocturnal animals (which sleep during day and come out at night) like owl have a large number of rods cells in their retin
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cones help in colour vision
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Generally, there are two kinds of photoreceptors in humans' retina: rods and cones.
Rods=These are responsible for the vision during the low light time(scotopic vision). They have low spatial acuity.
Some properties of rods=1)It has more photopigment, high amplification, and is highly sensitive.
Cones=These are primarily active during higher light levels, are also capable of color vision, and are mainly responsible for high spatial acuity.
Some properties of cones are:
1)They are less photopigment
2)They have lower absolute sensitivity.
3)They show fast response.
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