English, asked by geethanjalib962, 8 months ago

The rich father - his three sons - wants to give major share -
to one of the sons - who recoves his intelligence -
Conducts a test - calls them all - asks them to fill up
a badant room a which should cost low amount
the first son - Analyses - and bugs warte collon to
do that the second, how quality guains - and
third - intelligent - Only brings a small lighted lamp
of clay - the light from the lamp - spreads everywhere!
in the room - the father gete delighted - appreciates
the third son - the last gets the major share - the
property of his father - moral - intelligence has an edge.​


Answered by mathfor24hrs


beatiful story and moral . very nice thank you for sharing

Answered by shanvigupta117


beautiful story . very inspiring

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