English, asked by StudiousArka, 1 year ago

The Road Not Taken
How does a wrong decision affect one's life - justify​


Answered by vanshikasinghonly97

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I will follow you

Explanation:The speaker is staring down two roads and wishing that he would not have to make a decision and could just take both roads. This is a metaphor of choices people have to make in their lives, and someone wishing they wouldn’t have to make the decision. The speaker looks down one road and can only see as far as “where it bent in the undergrowth”. This tells the reader that the speaker cannot see as far as he would like into his life to make the decision easier. The speaker “took the other, as just as fair, … Because it was grassy and wanted wear”. The speaker chose to take the road that was not traveled. The speaker does not want to travel in someone else’s path; he wants to be different. But when the reader takes a further look at the roads, they “had worn them really about the same”, adding further difficulty to his decision.

“Both roads had been worn "about the same," though his "taking" the second is based on its being less worn. The basis of selection is individuation, variation, and "difference": taking the one "less traveled by." That he "could not travel both / And be one traveler" means not only that he will never be able to return but also that experience alters the traveler; he would not be the same by the time he came back”

Answered by sadhnakumarijmp


in this poem poet described about 2 roads and also told that a wrong decision in our life can affect whole life of ours like if we take wrong decision in our selecting the course after 10th which doesn't matches to our interest it can affect our whole life.

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