the salient features of operation blackboard of uee as started in npe 1986
The Salient features of Operation BLACKBOARD which started in 1986 are:
• To supply bare minimum important facilities to all the primary schools in the country.
• To provide necessary institutional equipment and instructional material to the students studying in primary setup.
• To provide salary for an additional teacher if enrollment is more than 100 students.
• All the teachers will be trained under exclusively designed teacher preparation program.
• The replacement facility for broken and non-functioning materials.
• Leverage in purchasing teaching aids and additional items as requisite for local needs.
• 50% of teachers should be female to encourage girl child admissions.
• The school building will be designed as per the local needs.
• The central and state government should provide funds for the school equipment and building.
All these features were drafted under Operation Blackboard which was a sponsored program started in 1987 after the Rajiv Gandhi NPE PoA (National policy of education and Program of action) was released.