English, asked by ankittiwari1237, 1 year ago

The serang of ranaganji activity 4 answer


Answered by adityakumaranand20


1.He was short and looked ugly. He had short legs and a large disproportionate head

2.The passengers on the Ranaganji were tourists, Indoanglian army men and their families.

3.Miss Jope smith was the chief of the social promoters on the ship. She was well-dressed and looked pretty. She was a first class passenger on the Ranaganji. She was always seen with her male companion, Ronnie. She spoke to her friend about the Indain Serang. Hsan, insultingly. Hasan was short and some what ugly. She proved herself to be cheap by insulting Hasan who was a gem of a person

4.The two seamen looked ill. They complained that they had head ache and pain in the bones. They had fever also. Both of them looked frightened. Their tongues were covered with thick saliva. Their skin was dry.

5.Dr. Cronin discovered hard, little nodules under the seamen’s wrist skin. He concluded that it was the symptom of smallpox

6.Captain Hamble was a well-built man of fifty five. He was known as a strict disciplinarian. When the doctor informed him of the breakout of small pox on the ship, he was filled with tension. He asked the doctor to do his best to prevent it from spreading. He wanted to keep it as a secret in order not to make the other passengers feel panicky.

7.Hasan made a canvas shelter at the backside of the deck, where other passengers had no access.

8.The serang cared for the patients with compassion. It was a situation which needed great strength and patience. He took care of them in a calm and undisturbed manner. The doctor had to beg him to be careful and warned him not to go very close to the patients. But the serang was not afraid and did whatever was possible for them.

9.The doctor collected the following details about the serang. His name was Hasan and he belonged to the Punjab. His parents had moved to South India. Like many others, he took to seafaring. For forty years he had been travelling in the various oceans of the world. He had spent fifteen years in the Ranaganji. He had no place on shore. He had no friends or family. He had never married. He was a muslim. He had acquired no money or property. All that he had was a few rupees and it was in the ship.

10.Money was of no use to him, and he had what he needed. He was quite happy the way he was. He didn’t want any money for his extra service. He was not attached to money and did not worry about tomorrow.

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